Outfits and Out-Trips

Hey Survivors!

Welcome to this weeks wrap up! We’ve been busy with some of the bug fixes on the 0.7.0 Experimental Branch as well as some new additions that we’ll be bringing into 0.7.0 in the near future.

We also wanted to quickly thank everyone for the bug reports that have been coming in, they really allow us to do our job more effectively and we love the community involvement helping us push the project forward.

Back to The Way It Was Meant To Be

We will be going back to our (sorta) regular programming with some exciting sneak peeks of things to come and eye candy screenshots from our LD and 3D departments. However, there will be a…

Change of Schedule

To better envelope unity amongst all our social media and public announcement channels, we will be changing our blog schedule. We are primarily doing this as to better tool our social media platforms for on time content delivery. What this means to you survivors on our socials is more unified content, delivered on time.

How this will change things here is we are moving to a bi-weekly blog schedule, the plan is to deliver better content and more of it in updates. We will be however making more social media updates through the weeks that don’t necessarily regurgitate content from the blogs. We are really excited for this change and feel it will make our media presence more digestible to the masses, while still being specific and content driven for the amazing community members that read these posts.

Alright, now back to the good stuff!

Everyone Hates Campers

Patrick from Level Design has been working on the Three Sisters’ Campground. Featuring over 30 lootable camping stalls, this area will be an introverted survivor’s dream! Loot is more spread out but due to the remoteness of the site, infected presence will be reduced to its weekend inhabitants at the time of the outbreak. As well as any other hungry survivors looking for some hot dogs and beans as well.

Utilizing these real-world locations and tooling them for dynamic gameplay is something we are extremely proud to be undertaking. We feel this early acknowledgement of player types will lead to better game design and long-term playability for Dead Matter.

So grab your pop up tent, folding chair, whatever weapon you can get your hands on and check out the Three Sisters Campground. Coming soon! (Next Update)

Please Wear A Mask

This one might hit a little to close to home, but we have N95 masks now! The number 1 facial accessory for 2019-2021 has made it to Dead Matter! Become a pandemic fashion icon!

Suited up

Alongside the N95 mask, our artist Victor T also whipped up this dapper business attire outfit. Remember to stay drippy like a faucet when conducting apocalyptic arms deals for the best chance of success!

Calamari Game

We have a work in progress shot of another outfit being build by our artist Payton. Given a contemporary Netflix show that has something to do with cephalopod’s playing board games or something (idk I haven’t seen it) we thought players might enjoy dressing up as underworld game masters!

Hit and Run

Julian has been working on vehicle physics and features! For those of you that have played the 0.7.0 experimental, you might have noticed the superstrength infected posses when it comes to being hit by a moving vehicle. Well Julian is removing those superpowers.

“Recently I've been working on our vehicle system, and while a lot remains to be done, some things I've set up already include the ability to turn the vehicles engine on & off, setting the emergency/parking brake and opening/closing doors.

I've also been working reactivity with vehicles, for example how characters react to being hit by a vehicle. Depending on the situation this could send an infected into a ragdoll or knock them out of the way. All of these still need some polishing up, and there is still a lot to do with the vehicles, so expect more updates on this soon.”

- Julian


Thank You

As always, we wholeheartedly appreciate you checking out our blog updates! Keep your eyes and ears pinned to our social media as more will be happening there in the coming weeks. Remember to drop by the Discord as well and say hi!

Stay safe out there Survivors!


Pull Up With That Boomstick


Coming in Hot (Fix’s)